For example, you might look at the themes of power and powerless in “The Penal Colony” and in All Quiet on the Western Front or you might look at the role of class in La Ronde and All Quiet on the Western Front, etc. Some of these essays will inevitably be compare and contrast in structure; when it comes to such essays, structure your paper in terms of ideas instead of discussing one work for half the essay and another work for the other half. As with your previous essays, you must use proper essay structure: a clear introductory paragraph that closes with a specific, strong thesis; paragraphs organized around topics that support your thesis and that are structured in a clear, logical way; a sense of transition from point to point; evidence from the text that supports your thesis and/or supporting points; and, finally, a strong conclusion.

For the test, you can use your books by Schnitzler, Remarque, and Kafka. During the previous test there were some students who, lacking their books, used a sheet with the quotations that they planned to use. You can do the same for the exam, on a single sheet, but this will be checked by me during the course of the exam and must be included in your exam booklet. When it comes to preparing before the exam, I would recommend that you establish your thesis/arguments, that you establish 3-4 argumentative points that can serve as your paragraphs and help to support that thesis, and that you already find the relevant passages that you will use for support in your essays.

As with previous essays, points will be gained or lost on the basis of how you use the texts to support your argument. When it comes to quoting from the texts, shorter passages can be quoted in their entirety, while longer passages can be quoted with the first few words, an ellipsis, and then the last words, e.g. “In general, the proceedings were kept secret … for the further course of the trial” (Kafka 82-83). If you use the editions of the texts that we have been using in class, then you do not need to include the publication information at the end of the test; however, if you do use other texts, online or in print, then you must include their publication information (you will lose points if you do not).

Special note on what you are allowed to use during the exam: For this exam you are allowed to bring in,
on a single sheet of paper, your thesis statements for the two essays and your three-four topic sentences for your three-four supporting paragraphs.

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