The enterprise risk and data analytics focuses on measuring, quantifying, and predicting risk from the viewpoint of the enterprise, and not isolated areas of risk.



Specific issue of a topic area, addressing the issue in-depth, identifying a problem or conflict, and potentially suggesting well reasoned solution(s)

Large amounts of specific examples and detailed descriptions.

At least 3,500 words not including footnotes

Arial font, size 10, single space, indented paragraphs, space between each paragraph, justified, margins 1”

At least 15 primary or high quality secondary sources cited in paper, not to include poor sources of quality support such as news articles, blogs, wikis, firm literature, self published materials.


For this assignment, we will be taking from the 3 major types of risk management (financial, operational &strategic) and deconstruct the financial aspect into cyber risk, more specifically data breaches and how to transfer that risk by use of insurance. That will be the main idea, but overall the instructor wants to see a mastery of enterprise risk and how this specific topic plays into the overall “big picture” if you will.

I am attaching the book.

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