Assignment  1 

This week's first assignment lets you lend your creativity to a one-act play.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word play, incorporating a clear beginning, middle, and ending. Your play must have at least two characters.

Grammar and punctuation variations are acceptable if they serve the needs of the piece.

Note: You do not have to use a particular style, such as MLA or APA, as this is a creative writing assignment.


Mandy post


Recovered memory, according to Carroll (1994) is “a traumatic event unconsciously retained in the mind, where it is said to adversely affect conscious thought, desire, and action” (para. 1). The debate between the false memory movement and the recovery memory movement is very interesting. I can see the logic and flaws on both sides of the issue. The recovery memory movement’s ideas started with Freud and his believe that when we experience trauma, the unconscious brain represses this trauma, so we become unaware that the event every happened (Tomasulo, 2005). This movement makes sense since our brain would try and protect us from “ugly” things that have happened. However, there have been too many cases where these “repressed memories” are inaccurate, since our memory recall systems can be flawed, and our memories are highly suggestable, meaning we can be convinced something happened that actually did not happen.

The other movement, the false memory movement, does consent that our brain can consciously suppress and/or block memories, but the brain cannot repress those memories (Tomasulo, 2005). The difference between suppress and repress is that suppression involves denying impulses at a consciouslevel, and repression involves denying impulses at a subconscious level (PsycholoGenie, 2018). Basically, the false memory movement believes that the brain can conceal traumatic injuries consciouslybut doesn’t think that this happens unconsciously or without us knowing. Other’s believe that the memories are not unconsciously repressed but that we dissociate ourselves from the events by refusing to analyze the event (Tomasulo, 2005). By not repeating the event in our head, we are not increasing our ability to remember, and the traumatic event gets forgotten (Tomasulo, 2005).

I am very logic minded, so I think that the false memory movement holds the most weight. It seems to me that it is more likely that the brain consciously protect itself from traumatic events as opposed to our unconscious mind doing it. I think this is the case because when the traumatic event occurs, the person is conscious, therefore the conscious brain would be the part that processes the information and possibly suppresses it. I do not expect that this debate will end anytime soon, and we may never know that exact reason why memories of traumatic events become fuzzy or fade completely from our consciousness. However, no matter what side of the debate one finds themselves, the bottom line is the brain does its best to protect us from trauma.

Leah post

 Repressed memories are something that has always interested me. I myself, have experienced some traumatizing childhood events and have found over time that my memory of the subject has significantly faded. I believe that is a way that our brains protect us from any undo harm that the memories may cause. A lot of people may have otherwise held onto the memories and it created a major issue for them to function in their every day lives. I also learned about the flip side of that idea, the false memory, when I was completing my Criminal Justice degree. A lot of studies have been completed on by stander recall of possible crimes. “False memories can be created through strong repeated suggestions by an authority figure, therapists must be fully aware of the conditions under which this is likely to occur, particularly when dealing with children.” (Durand, 192). Also, there is an issue with our memory when we only see things that happen from our perspective of the reality. There is no chance that we would ever be able to take in every detail of what happened in that very moment. There are only so many aspects of a situation that we can pay attention to and that can cause us to fill in the gaps of our memory with our own ideas. The idea that most interests me is the false memories theory. The idea that your brain can not take in all the information from a situation. When faced with someone of authority that you innately trust then on all levels, they can leave bread crumbs in your mind that can imbed themselves in your memory of a certain situation. This happens because your brain is trying to fill in the gaps and make sense of the entire incident. That’s scary that this can happen so easily, especially from the criminal justice standpoint. Throughout our history who knows how many witnesses have given their testimony on the stand, about a crime. That testimony could have been so skewed by the entire situation and the under trained police officers who may have tainted their memory and created a false conviction. Police require an “extensive knowledge of the workings of memory and other aspects of psychological functioning and illustrates, again the dangers of dealing with inexperienced or inadequately trained” authority figures can cause huge issues. (Durand 192). I believe the science behind this issue is coming to be a well known fact and the courts are starting to take notice and weigh the eye witness statements less during court determinations. 

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