The goal is to store the students names in an STL list and sort them based on the last name.

  • Your primary tasks for this exercise are to edit the main.cpp file so that it does the following:
  1. inputs students’ names from input.txt into the STL list
  2. sorts the list based on the last name
  3. outputs the students’ names in order
  • Steps include:
  • Read each line from input.txt. Store the firstname and the lastname into the temporary student structure “currStudent”.
  • Hint: You can use the following format:
	while(studentFile >> currStudent.firstname >> currStudent.lastname)
  • Push the current student into the list (“students”)
  • Build and run the executable file. If you get an error like this:
error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator defined which takes a right-hand operand of type 'DataType' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
  • Notice that the compiler is complaining about the ‘<<‘. You are trying to output a DataType but, there is no existing definition for cout << DataType.
  • Solve this problem by overloading the “<<” operator.
  • Because the packets haven’t been sorted yet, your output should look like the following:
Jacob AndersonMichael ThomsonJoshua SmithMathew MatheisEthan Evans Emily DrakeEmma PattersonMadison McPheeHannah BriensAshley SchmidtPress any key to continue
  • Add code to sort the list (students), and print the correctly ordered list of students (using the iterator).
  • Build and run the executable. If you get this error:
error C2784: 'bool std::operator <(const std::list<_Ty,_Alloc> &, const std::list<_Ty,_Alloc> &)' : could not deduce template argument for 'const std::list<_Ty,_Alloc> &' from 'DataType'
  • Reread the description of sort. This error is complaining about the following comparison in the sort function: DataType < DataType
  • When you correct this problem, consider using getKey(). Why?
  • (later, if you wanted to sort by firstname, how would you do it?)
  • Your output should look like the following:
Jacob AndersonMichael ThomsonJoshua SmithMathew MatheisEthan EvansEmily DrakeEmma PattersonMadison McPheeHannah BriensAshley SchmidtSorting.........Jacob AndersonHannah BriensEmily DrakeEthan EvansMathew MatheisMadison McPheeEmma PattersonAshley SchmidtJoshua SmithMichael ThomsonPress any key to continue



#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string>#include <list>using namespace std;struct DataType {	string lastname;	// Student's Last Name	string firstname;	// Student's First Name	string getKey () const	{ return lastname; }   // Returns the key field};//---------Need to add code to overload operator <<//------- Need to add code to fix error C2784: 'bool __cdecl std::operator <bool operator < (DataType lhs, DataType rhs){}void main() {	ifstream studentFile ("input.txt");  // Student file	list <DataType> students;            // Students	DataType currStudent;              // One Student (has firstname,lastname)	// Read each line from input.txt:    //Store the firstname and the lastname into     //the temporary student structure "currStudent".	// Push the current student into the list ("students") 	// Use an iterator to print the unsorted list of students.	// Sort the list of students.	// Use an iterator to print the sorted list of students.}

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