Good evening

I have a health information power point due by Wednesday 12/19/2018. This is for my health information class. Information is all below.

  1. Watch Dr. Danika Brinda's presentation Part 1:   Privacy and Security Part 1 (about 20 minutes)
  2. Watch Dr. Danika Brinda's presentation Part 2:   Privacy and Security Part 2 (about 40 minutes)
  3. View website: Protecting the Privacy and Security of Your Health Information
  4. View website: Health Information Privacy
  5. View website: Your Rights Under HIPAA
  6. Read article:  Top 10 HIPAA Violations
  7. Read article:  What happens online in 60 seconds?
  8. View this resource:  MN e-Health Privacy and Security
  9. Post a summary of the breach to the Discussion Board and also respond to a classmate.
  10. Optional:  View PBS video on HIPAA (3:39)


1. Go to the website: and find a security breach that has happened in the past 12 months (the date of the breach is located in the spreadsheet. 

2. Conduct a web search on the breach that you selected to review

3. Find a minimum of 2 different sources that discuss the breach that occurred and answer the following questions regarding the breach. 

Assignment Requirements (see grading rubric below for additional requirements)

Creating a Power Point Presentation, answer the following questions about your breach. 

Remember that slides should just be bullet point information. In the notes section of each slide, write 1 – 2 paragraphs describing your slide. More information on how to use notes can be found here: 

· Describe the breach that occurred and how many patients were impacted by the breach. Include the type of covered entity and the location. 

· Describe specific information regarding the breach as far as the type of breach and the location of the breach.

· Describe the steps the organization took after the breach to mitigate the breach. 

· Discuss 1 – 2 different ideas on how what the organization could have done so that the breach didn’t occur. 

· Discuss are 1-2 other mitigation steps that the organization could take to reduce the likelihood of a similar breach happening again. Examples: employee education or encryption of devices.

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