Create some comments at the top of the file: 

  • Python Final Project: Acme Department Store of Paramus – Christmas Shopping List App
  • Author: Your Name
  • School: Pace University
  • Course: CIS101
  • Instructor: Professor Michael Sidaras-Tirrito
  • Semester: Fall 2018
  • Date Created: An actual date you created the file
  1. Defines the following functions 
    • A function named displayMenu that displays the menu of choices to choose from, as evidenced in the output sample below.
    • A function named getChoice that collects a number from the user and returns that number in order to determine the choice selected
    • A function named updateShoppingList that displays the names of the loved ones and their index numbers, then asks the user to enter a choice for which record to update.  It should then change the 9th field of that record (the completion status) to "completed".  Part of this function will already have been created for you by the professor.
    • A function named displayShoppingList that displays all the content from the entire list.  For each loved one whose completion status is marked as completed, it will have to calculate the total spent, along with the difference from the budgeted amount.  Part of this function will already be created by your professor.
    • A function named exitProgram that prints the thank you banner so that the application can end.
  2. Initializes the following: 
  3. An array named christmasShoppingList, of size 5 (This is for the records of different loved ones. See the Shopping List Table Below – This will already have been created by the professor.)
  4. Nested Sub-Arrays, each of size 9 (To store records of data; there are nine fields.  Again, see the Shopping List Table Below – This will already have been created by the professor.)
  5. A numeric variable named totalSpent, defaulted to 0.0
  6. A numeric variable named differenceSpent, defaulted to 0.0
  7. A numeric variable named choice, defaulted to 0
  8. Starts a while loop to keep the program running for as long as the user wants.  This will be programmed by your professor. 
    • Displays the Welcome Banner shown in the sample output
    • Calls the displayMenufunction
    • Calls the getChoicefunction and catches the returned value into the choice variable
    • Uses an if statement to determine which function to call next.  The if statement will be partially written by the professor.  You will have to add the appropriate calling statements where they belong in the if statement.
      • If the choice was 1, call the updateShoppingList function
      • If the choice was 2, call the displayShoppingList function
      • If the choice was 3, call the exitProgram function (Program will self-terminate after this)

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