Think about these questions before writing your paper – it should be between 2- 3 pages.

The regulation and oversight of ONLY ONE ingredient/item you select and how it’s preparation continues to be regulated by domestic and international policies.

What agency bureaucracies oversee the ingredient/item you selected to bring to class?

What federal department(s) and/or agency bureaucracies would be given oversight of such selected ingredient/item?

Is the oversight beneficial or detrimental for the selected ingredient/item?

Have consumer groups and/or special interests weighed in on the selected ingredient/item?

If so, how have the federal departments and agencies affected such selected ingredient/item? If not, what do you think will be any challenges by agencies or the federal and international courts on the selected ingredient/item selected and by whom, which consumer advocacy groups, growers, importers, distributors, trade organizations, labor unions etc.?

Answer this following question for your term paper: Regarding the item introduced and selected by you, which agency or agencies regulate this ingredient/item?

Your thesis statement must answer the question in a clear and specific manner.

> Paragraph 1: Hook – how does your item grab the attention of our class? Introduce the selected ingredient/item you selected. In 1-2 sentences, explain your selection of the ingredient/item. Thesis: Answer the question above.

> Paragraph 2: Topic Sentence: What federal department or agency(ies) have oversight of such selected ingredient/item? Evidence: Introduce the federal department or agency(ies) that supervises the selected ingredient/item. Explanation of Evidence: How does the federal department or agency affect the oversight of the selected ingredient/item?

> Paragraph 3: Topic Sentence: What federal courts have ruled over of such selected ingredient/item? Evidence: Introduce the federal courts that have ruled on the selected ingredient/item. Explanation of Evidence: How does the federal court decision affect the oversight of the selected ingredient/item?

> Paragraph 4: Topic Sentence: What groups have had something to say over the selected ingredient/item? Evidence: Introduce the growers, importers, distributors, trade associations, consumer advocates, activists etc. that have something to say on the selected ingredient/item. Explanation of Evidence: How does the foreign and domestic growers, importers, distributors, trade associations, consumer advocates, activists etc. impact the selected ingredient/item?

Restate your selected item and offer citations. Conclude with THREE references per page of paper and citations.

Paper Requirements: Must include the following: Written 2-3 Page Memo prompt must have:

PAGE ONE COVER: Title of paper; Name; Section number; o Intended major; o College of choice; and o Any other relevant information.


o Ingredient of focus

o Paragraph one, two, three, etc.

Evidence and explanation of evidence.


Citations 6-9 references,

citations per total page of paper

Essay must be typed in MLA Format Writing Center Verification(s) MANDATORY

Restate your selected item and offer citations. Conclude with THREE references per page of paper and citations.

Paper Requirements: Must include the following: Written 2-3 Page Memo prompt must have:

PAGE ONE COVER: Title of paper; Name; Section number; o Intended major; o College of choice; and o Any other relevant information.


o Ingredient of focus

o Paragraph one, two, three, etc.

Evidence and explanation of evidence.


Citations 6-9 references,

citations per total page of paper

Essay must be typed in MLA Format Writing Center Verification(s) MANDATORY

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