please APA format, indented paragraph.

follow the question step by step and also use the marking rubric for the question


Name: HUN2000-Mod_04-Nutrition_and_Disease

Emerging – Limited or developing demonstration of criteria. Competence – Adequate or basic demonstration of criteria. Proficiency – Clear or effective demonstration of criteria. Mastery – Advanced or exceeds demonstration of criteria.
General Assignment Requirements Partially met length requirement. Numerous spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material. APA in-text citations and references are missing. Resources have minimal credibility.

Partially met length requirement. Some spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material. Attempted to use APA in-text citations and references. Resources have reasonable credibility.

Met length requirement. Few spelling and grammar errors. APA in-text citations and references are used with few errors. Resources have sufficient credibility.

Met length requirement. Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors. APA in-text citations and references are used correctly. Resources have outstanding credibility.

Define Malnutrition and Identify a Related Disease

Vague definition of malnutrition and lack of specific disease/disorder identified.

Reasonable definition of malnutrition, but lacking choice of disease/disorder.

Sufficient definition of malnutrition with choice of disease/disorder identified.

Thorough definition of malnutrition with choice of disease/disorder identified.

Explain Physiological Effects of the Disease on Body

Vague explanation of how the disease physiologically impacts the body with minimal details and little depth.

Reasonable explanation of how the disease physiologically impacts the body with some details occasionally identified.

Sufficient explanation of how the disease physiologically impacts the body with several details and evident depth.

Thorough explanation of how the disease physiologically impacts the body with extensive details and depth.

Describe Relationship between Specific Foods/Nutrients and the Disease

Vaguely described relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Few/no resources provided to support description and those provided were of questionable credibility.

Reasonably described relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Some resources provided to support description, but questionable credibility.

Satisfactorily described relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Used credible resources to support description.

Thoroughly described relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Used credible resources to support description.

Evaluate Nutritional Recommendations to Combat the Disease

Partial explanation of the recommendations for a diet with no examples/details offered to support rationale.

Moderate explanation of the recommendations for a diet with only half of them followed with examples/details offered to support rationale.

Sufficient explanation of the recommendations for a diet with most of them followed with examples/details offered to support rationale.

Thorough explanation of the recommendations for a diet with all being followed by in-depth examples/details offered to support rationale.


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