Student Punishment

Student punishment is addressed in chapter 2 of The Ethics of Teaching (Strike & Soltis, 2009/2015), and in Mallett (2016) article, “The School-to-Prison Pipeline: From School Punishment to Rehabilitative Inclusion.”

  • Explore the Restorative Justice (Centre for Justice & Reconciliation, n.d.) website.
  • Explain the various purposes of punishment as described in the readings and support your statements with evidence from the textbook and course readings.
  • Describe the opposing viewpoints regarding retribution and deterrence as the case study presents it about Alex (Strike & Soltis, 2009/2015).
  • Evaluate from an ethical perspective the consequences commonly used in schools or referred to in the case studies, such as time-outs, detention, suspension, expulsion, and so on, and explain how they help or hinder to develop prosocial behaviors.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


Centre for Justice & Reconciliation. (n.d.). Restorative justice. Retrieved from…

Mallett, C. A. (2016). The school-to-prison pipeline: From school punishment to rehabilitative inclusion. Preventing School Failure, 60(4), 296-304. Retrieved from…

Strike, K. A., & Soltis, J. F. (2009/2015). The ethics of teaching (5th ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College.

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