The assignment for this week is to locate a specific landmark U.S. Supreme Court case and draft a case brief.

Go the following website ( and locate the following case: Gideon v. Wainwright.

Write a 1-2 page case brief utilizing the sample case brief in chapter one of the textbook as a guide. Please note that you do not need to include the concurring or dissenting opinions in your brief. Be sure to cite any outside sources used in your work, and follow APA guidelines. Be sure you brief the correct case and be sure to include all of the subparts of the brief from the textbook example.

Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points
Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40
Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20
Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30
Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and APA structure. 10
Total 100

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