tep 1: Choose a company

● Choose a company that has a strong message on social media.

Step 2: Analyze their social media

● Analyze this company’s social media message

Step 3: Write a critique

● Critique the social media message using principles of media literacy discussed

Step 4: Synthesize and Respond

integrate ideas (quotations, paraphrases, and/or summaries) from at least two sources in this unit.

Choose a company with strong social media presence

  • Background: what is the business and how has it changed
  • Choose and describe a historical (pre 2000) advertisement
  • Choose one current social media posts
  • Identify the target audience
  • Identify who created the media message

  • Recognize what the media maker wants you to believe or do
  • Name the “tools of persuasion” used
  • Discover the part of the story that’s not being told
  • Define and discuss two social media principles and use these principles to evaluate the social media posts
  • can this company’s social media strategy be improved?
  • The student includes course source information accurately.
  • https://www.chronicle.com/article/Instagrim-Why-So…

    The paper style :

    1.introduction about the company

    2.the describe a historical (pre 2000) advertisement

    3. respond (target audience,who created the media message,what the media maker wants you to believe or do)

    4. one current social media posts

    5.respond (target audience,who created the media message,what the media maker wants you to believe or do,https://www.chronicle.com/article/Instagrim-Why-Social-Media/239983) Also that link include it “he student includes course source information accurately”

    6. conclusion (summary)

    7..sources …

    * don’t miss any thing in the guide in the picture

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