Business Research Report: 220 points

  • Primary and Secondary Findings (APA In-text citations)
  • APA style reference list only 20 points
  • Title Page, Table of Contents, Headings that include (before, during, after, research – you label the heading appropriately to fit your discussion, conclusion, references)

This is a PROGRESS REPORT. It is your progress as a result of having taken this Business Communication course.

Title Page

5 Basic Headings (with possible subheadings):

10 points

  1. Before starting the course This section – as with all other sections and the paper in general must be in paragraph form. The questions below are only to generate ideas; they are not to be answered in question and answer method. Students who do that will lose points.

(Possible discussion in this section might include the following)

Why did you sign up for the class?

What were your expectations of the course?

What were your goals for taking the course?

What kind of challenges did you face at work?

40 points

  1. Progress during the course This section – as with all other sections and the paper in general must be in paragraph form. The questions below are only to generate ideas; they are not to be answered in question and answer method. Students who do that will lose points.

(In this section use specific examples to clarify your statements; also, if applicable, use information from the textbook and research articles to substantiate your ideas. Possible discussion in the section might include the following)

What was your commitment in terms of attendance, keeping up with course work, etc.?

What kind of changes in your writing did you witness?

What kind of feedback did you get from superiors, colleagues, subordinates that you can attribute to your application of what you learned in class?

What successes did you experience during the semester as a result of your participation in this course?

What were your favorite topics covered?

What were your favorite projects?

What did you struggle with?

60 points

  1. Next steps having finished the course This section – as with all other sections and the paper in general must be in paragraph form. The questions below are only to generate ideas; they are not to be answered in question and answer method. Students who do that will lose points.
  1. Based on what you learned in this course and the progress you see in your skills, abilities, and application of Emotional Intelligence, what further development do you want to purse? Generate very specific action steps for your moving forward with further development.

40 points

  1. Briefly discuss the key ideas presented in your chosen research topic, especially the three articles you accessed yourself as a result of your secondary research. How will this information help you?

40 points

  1. Conclusions Tie the paper together and leave your reader feeling satisfied.

10 points

  • Secondary Findings / Progress Report (Please included APA In-text citations for paraphrased and quoted information taken from your 3 research articles):
  • The paper is 3 pages double-spaced. Use 12 font and include Heading / Subheadings to guide your reader.
  • Bibliography – 4 sources (book + research articles) minimum / In-text source citations APA citation style: 20 points
  • Please read at least 3 articles on your chosen topic.

It is a Progress Report so make certain your work sticks to that theme: Your progress absorbing, understanding, and using the Emotional Intelligence and Business Communication ideas from classwork.

Your topic is very broad: Your Progress, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, and any related topic if it applies to your work (you get to decide). You can take your research in any direction you choose. Maybe you are interested in researching “Women, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership” or “Emotionally Intelligent CEOs” or even looking into leadership and the five categories that create Emotional Intelligence (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Motivation, Empathy, and Relationship Management). You might want to focus on building your listening skills so that you remember what others say to you. Whatever you decide, your purpose in choosing a topic is to have a ‘focus’ for the final discussion section (research section) in your progress report. For example, maybe you identified that you would like to find a mentor to help you in your career; then your topic would be “mentors” and you can choose articles covering mentorship in business settings.

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