Reading the article that I provide and using the article to analyze gender and race issues in current justice system

On the first page, the paper must contain the student’s name and date of submission. No binders or covers are permitted. B. The paper must intelligently discuss and analyze, using other reference materials such as law review articles, treatises, and/or case law, a subject or subjects addressed in a reading assignment article or articles. Newspaper, website, and general media sources cannot be substituted for original academic research or professional sources. You must clearly state in the paper introduction, the reading assignment article or articles which are the initial basis for your paper topic. The introduction also must concisely state the thesis of your paper. The paper must include page numbers. C. The paper must incorporate comments and/or observations from class and/or the speakers. D. All quotations and thoughts of others must be attributed by numbered footnotes or end notes (i.e. footnotes placed at the end of the paper) identifying the source, author, title, and applicable page reference. The paper must be based on five (5) or more sources, reflected by the footnotes/endnotes. E. The paper must not be less than fifteen (15) pages, double spaced, excluding footnotes or endnotes. 10 F. After the conclusion, the paper must contain a certification, signed by the student, that the paper is the student’s own work, in conformance with the Academic Integrity Code. All written assignments are non-collaborative and must be the student’s own work. If a student has any question about this requirement, please direct questions to the professor rather than to other students. G. Failure to strictly comply with the above requirements will adversely affect your grade.

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